Rachel and Rory  The Manions of America Rachel and Rory
Parts 2-9 of "Manions of the West" Posted
Back in 1981, before Pierce Brosnan became Remington Steele (and before Kate Mulgrew ever dreamed she would one day be Voyager's Capt. Katherine Janeway), they starred in a miniseries about two star crossed lovers, Rory O'Manion and Rachel Clement. Spanning twenty years and two continents, it allowed us to see glimmers of the wonderful actor that we all admire so much.
Debra Talley's wonderful RS site has a Manions page as well- go here to find her her "All I Need to Know in Life I Learned from Manions of America" page. (Link will open in a new window.)
If you've never seen this wonderful miniseries, please find it. Amazon has it, you can find the page for it here. And if you happen across the novel (even though it's out of print) The Manions of America by Rosemary Anne Sissons, by all means read it. It helps make sense of the movie. Amazon recently had used copies for sale. Search their data base.
Okay, I've said all of that to say this: I've begun a Manions sequel, "Manions of the West". If you haven't seen the mini series or read the book, you might need some background on the story.
I hope you like what I've done with it.. (And thanks, Debra T for your help beta reading for me. Couldn't have done it without you.)
Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart Six
Part SevenPart EightPart Nine
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from "Manions". These pages and the included story are meant for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended or implied. I'm not getting any money for this- so please don't sue me.