Welcome to the

Steele Watcher's Chatroom!

You must have a JAVA enabled browser to join this chat.

Regular chats are scheduled for Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9 p.m. Central time. Join us to discuss our favorite blue eyed, Irishman and his lovely lady fair!


Let's Talk Steele!

Due to the fact that most browsers are no longer allowing java to be used, I've found this new room that we can try for chats-- still not all the bells and whistles I would like and that we had with java, but it might be okay. See what you think. Just wait till the room loads, type a nickname and hit Enter, then click 'join chat' at the bottom of th window.. You should be in the New Chatroom.


New Chatroom at Chatzy!


If you have any problems, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do.
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